Each Llurien god embodies a set of related personality traits. For example, the goddess of passion is also concerned with love, lust, devotion, heat, and conviction.

Llurien has twenty-eight gods. They are divided into seven spheres, each sphere associated with a spectrum color (ROYGBIV) and containing four gods. All four gods in a sphere are of the same disposition (benevolent, nefarious, or ambivalent).
Three spheres contain benevolent gods (for a total of twelve), three contain nefarious gods (another twelve), and one contains ambivalent gods (four gods). These seven spheres created the Seven Fates and the seven humanoid species of Llurien. Each species is dominated by the combined traits of the four gods who created it. As a result, three species are benevolent (karelia, mandeans, and querra), three are nefarious (daekais, riven, and jhaikan), and one is ambivalent (kryll).
All twenty-eight gods created the eighth species, humans, who are the only one equally capable of being good or evil. The gods also created animals, plants, and some of the humanoid races.
For more information, read about the gods of each sphere, who are organized by alignment, sphere and then the seasons (from left to right, starting with Spring) on this page:
Benevolent Gods
Green Sphere
Creators of karelia.
Tarrera – Truth |
Sorrin – Vitality |
Coiryn – Courage |
Scrylyn – Intuition |
Indigo Sphere
Creators of mandeans.
Krisira – Innocence |
Fjora – Passion |
Lierein – Expression |
Vylorn – Unity |
Yellow Sphere
Creators of querra.
Daedras – Inspiration |
Darra – Empathy |
Kojen – Rejuvenation |
Timonen – Patience |
Ambivalent Gods
Red Sphere
Creators of kryll.
Lonnieri – Curiosity |
Adarra – Aspiration |
Solon – Fairness |
Kriseri – Peace |
Nefarious Gods
Orange Sphere
Creators of daekais.
Moiryn – Deception |
Neistrum – Greed |
Ronkainen – Envy |
Everett – Fear |
Violet Sphere
Creators of riven.
Blaeynlor – Haste |
Mooryndal – Hate |
Ilioth – Cynicism |
Raekynlor – Sloth |
Blue Sphere
Creators of jhaikan.
Okier, God of Wrath |
Loiria, Goddess of Malice |
Araiya, God of Cunning |
Krairon, God of Domination |